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Erin Thompson

Learn about Erin's journey to improve her birthing experience at LewisGale Medical Center.

July 06, 2023
Erin Thompson and Family

From an unplanned c-section to a natural birth

When Erin Thompson and her husband, Joel, were ready to add a second child to their family, they wanted a different birthing experience than the unplanned C-section that brought their firstborn, Jack, now 7, into the world. The Christiansburg, Virginia, couple hoped their second son, Thatcher, now 2, could arrive as a natural birth in contrast to the 40 hours of labor Erin previously endured. Her unplanned cesarean left her feeling betrayed by her body and apprehensive about delivering again.

After researching different hospitals and providers from her first pregnancy, she selected LewisGale Physicians Midwifery for her care. The practice caters to women who desire less medical intervention during low-risk pregnancy, labor, and birth using a nurse-midwife in a safe, high quality, hospital environment supported by Ob/Gyn physicians.

“From the moment I had my C-section with Jack, I knew I wanted to have natural birth with my future pregnancies,” Thompson said. “I knew I wanted a doula and a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) supportive care team, and LewisGale Physicians Midwifery let me know from the first appointment that they would support me. They were always patient, empathetic, and kind. I always felt respected and honored, even when I declined their suggestions.”

In 2022, 90% of patients who attempted VBAC with the midwifery team at LewisGale Medical Center were successful, beating the national average of 60-80%[1]. In 2022, the team had a 15.5% cesarean rate for mothers laboring for the first time with one head-down baby at term, known as NTSV, outperforming the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services target of 23.6%[2].

For low-risk pregnancies where the mother is term (37-42 weeks) with one head-down baby and who has not labored before, cesarean delivery can pose a greater risk of maternal harm or death than vaginal delivery. Research shows that avoiding the first cesarean prevents complications and lowers rates of maternal mortality[3].

Giving birth during the pandemic posed another challenge. Thompson said she didn’t even consider another option once she learned that LewisGale Medical Center was the only local hospital allowing doulas and a partner to attend births, largely due to the advocacy of the midwifery team and the nursing leadership at the hospital.

At 12 weeks into her pregnancy, Thompson contracted a viral rash called pityriasis rosea, problematic for pregnant women before 15 weeks. The condition carries an increased risk for spontaneous miscarriage. She was diagnosed via telehealth and alerted her midwives immediately. They consulted the team and developed a plan specific to her treatment.

“We discussed heartbeat monitoring options. My care team agreed to continue letting me go to the office closest to me, even though that was less convenient for them,” Thompson said. “I was incredibly pleased with the compassionate care I received during this experience, especially since my husband could not attend these appointments with me due to COVID protocols.”

When Erin was in labor, she used one of the new hydrotherapy tubs available at LewisGale Medical Center, which helped keep her comfortable without any medication. She knew the experience was different when one of the midwives held her monitor while she was in the tub so she didn’t have to get out, staying by her side to help control her pain and support her.

“I had a peaceful, empowering, healthy VBAC with my second child in January 2021,” said Thompson, who recommends LewisGale Physicians Midwifery to her friends and other expecting mothers. “Thankfully, we experienced no complications, but I knew that if anything were to go wrong, I could trust these women to hold, support, and care for me.”

[1] ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 205: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery.

[2] Reduce cesarean births among low-risk women with no prior births.

[3] Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Service.

July 06, 2023
LewisGale Medical Center

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